Your one-stop resource for affordable home purchasing and assistance programs.
We are a community organization offering Housing Assistance Service, Real Estate Service, and Advice to first time home owners, and those interested in living in Montgomery County.
Free Workshops Available
Multiple workshops are held across Montgomery County at various times throughout the year to provide information to first-time home buyers. No sales, just straight forward information about credit, realtors, mortgages, grants and special programs for first-time buyers. Find an event that works for you and start learning today!

We are your partners for homeownership.
Since its formation, MCPHO has been dedicated to educating the public on the many services and financial assistance programs available to homebuyers. The Partnership has developed strong local partners and now has approximately 30 participants representing local banks, mortgage companies, real estate and insurance agencies, home inspectors, non-profit organizations, government officials, and more.